Since most older radios have old style TTL or RS-232 connections for this channel and most computers have abandoned these old style serial ports, we need to add a USB-to-Serial adapter to the computer. This is usually a simple piece of hardware (UART) accompanied by a Mac software driver that allows the application to "see" the radio connected to this device. The device may also include level converters to convert the RS-232 to the TTL level required by the (older) radio and sometimes DTR and RTS lines to also let the computer key the radio's PTT and CW lines.
Icom Usb Cable Driver For Mac
The audio channel allows the computer to send pre-recorded speech or digitally encoded information (RTTY, PSK etc.) to the radio's microphone or accessory jack as well as receive digitally encoded data from the radio's headphone or accessory jack for decoding. Some radios have this sound card capability built into the radio and it can be accessed over the same USB cable as the CAT channel. Sound cards on the Mac do not normally require a driver to be installed and can be configured in the Mac System Preferences Sound panel.
You can tell which chip set is being used in your adapter/radio by selecting "About This Mac / Overview / System Report / Hardware / USB. If the UART shows up in the Hardware/USB report It means that it is plugged in and powered up - not that a driver is necessarily loaded. Once you have identified the UART Chip set (FTDI, Silicon Labs, Prolific, Keyspan/Tripplite, RT Systems etc.) you can download and install the Mac driver from the manufacturers web site.
Make sure you have the correct version of the driver installed for your version of macOS - for example, the latest Silicon Labs driver will not work with macOS 10.9 or 10.10 and you need to install their legacy driver.
Drivers (kernel extensions) can be tricky to install on High Sierra (and later) if you are doing it for the first time, but if you want to communicate with your radio using MacLoggerDX, MacDoppler or any other Ham Radio software you will need to install the driver supplied by the manufacturer of the UART in your radio or radio adapter. It is not possible for MacLoggerDX or MacDoppler to do this for you.
When using this download service, the implementation, use and/or results of use are the sole responsibility of you using this download service and the equipment. You shall comply with applicable laws and regulatory requirements in the use of this download service and in the operation of the equipment.
This device requires an FTDI USB VCP Driver. Virtual COM port (VCP) drivers cause the USB device to appear as an additional COM port available to the PC. Application software can access the USB device in the same way as it would access a standard COM port.
The designer of the MLDX software suggests that I reload system software after backing up my Mini. Since I originally transferred my data using Migration Assistant from my MBA to the Mini, I may have a problem with multiple USB drivers (for different USB devices) in the migration which may not be compatible with Mohave. So I have several questions:
If the driver is not signed you would either have to persuade them to rectify this, or disable the SIP protection. By now any reputable developer should be well aware of this and have updated their driver to be signed.
Not easily done or even possible. It would be best to do a fresh install of the latest drivers that support running under Mojave, if available. If not, then another option would be to run a Virtual Machine (VM) manager, like Parallels or VMware, to host a VM of an earlier version of macOS that does support these drivers. Then run the VM when you need to access your radio equipment.
The culprit to many ongoing troubles has been the Windows Icom USB driver. One of the last Windows 10 updates caused many Hams to have problems and it seems the problems can reoccur too. If troubleshooting steps fail, do an Icom USB driver reinstall. Before the USB driver reinstall, have a look at a few critical areas that may be causing problems in Ham Radio Deluxe, Digital Master and WSJT-X. A proper Icom USB driver reinstall may be necessary in the end. There was a microphone privacy setting that appeared to be problematic for some. Have a look at it first and look at my troubleshooting steps and video below.
You can shut down everything and move the usb cable to a different physical USB port on your computer. Then power things up. Check what com port the cable is on after doing so. You could also try using a different USB cable.
I have watched several of your videos on YouTube but I am having a problem with the USB driver that came with RS-BA1. When I click connect on the Radio Screen or turn on the radio while the computer is running I get a message The Last USB driver loaded failed or something like that. I am having issues with transmitting remotely and have yet to get it working correctly. I have uninstalled and followed the instructions to install the USB drivers correctly.Another question is will I be able to use this USB driver to run WSJT-X or another digital program?
You've just received your two way radio, taken it out of the package, and now you want to get it operational. You plugged in the programming cable, downloaded the driver, set up the software, and connected the cable the radio to program it.
Here are the steps to troubleshoot if the programming software for your two way radio does not recognize the COM Port or the programming cable purchased from Buy Two Way Radios. Step 1. Verify the programming cable is installed correctly.
Step 6. If the program does not recognize the programming cable or the COM Port assigned to it, refer to the manufacturer of the programming software. If you are using CHIRP programming software, go to the CHIRP web site at and download the latest daily build of CHIRP or report the issue to CHIRP.
*Includes the following version of the Windows operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows server 2012 R2. Also, as Windows 8 RT is a closed system not allowing for 3rd party driver installation our Windows 8 driver will not support this variant of the OS. You must use the Windows RT build for this platform.
****Windows 10 and Windows 11 only. Universal Windows Drivers enable developers to create a single driver package that runs across multiple different device types, from embedded systems to tablets and desktop PCs.
Note: For MacOS High Sierra and later be sure to go to Security & Privacy in the System Configurationsettings and in the General tab allow the driver to be accessed. Without doing that it will be unusable.Note: This is not needed for MacOS Big Sur and later due to the built in drivers!
Select the SilconLabs driver from the dropdown list. If it isn't in the list then click the SerPort button to repopulate the list. It if still isn't in the list then the driver is not loading for some reason like the radio is not on or connected or the driver has not been installed properly so that needs to be rectified before going on. If you're using MacOS High Sierra or a later version of MacOS you may need to authorize the driver install in Security & Privacy setup in System Preferences after runing the install program. There will be a message on the General page if it has been blocked.
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to install FTDI drivers on multiple operating systems. Although this tutorial was written using Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6, and Ubuntu 13.04, the process should be very similar, if not exactly the same, for other versions/variations of these operating systems.
There are also some legacy Arduino boards that use the FT232RL. The Arduino Diecimila and Duemilanove main boards along with the original Arduino Mega all use the FT232RL IC. If you have one of these older versions, you'll want to use the FDTI drivers as well. For a complete list of all Arduino boards, check out this page. Newer versions of Arduino boards, such as the Uno, use a different communication IC, and they will not be covered in this tutorial.
The Device Manager page will refresh and you will see a new item with an exclamation mark named 'USB Serial Port'. You will need to install a second driver for the same device. Follow the steps 1-15, as before, and use the same driver folder too!
Most of the time, when you install Arduino on Mac OS X, the drivers are installed automatically. However, if there was a problem with the installation and you don't see any options that include 'usbserial' under the 'Tools -> Serial Port' menu, then you will need to install the drivers. You may also need to install the full FTDI drivers if you are running OSX 10.10 or later. The factory drivers are not complete.
a.) OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or above: Download this driver. Locate the file FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_4.2.dmg file that was downloaded to your computer, and double click on it to open \ run it.
b.) OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or lower: Download this driver. Locate the file FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_18.dmg file that was downloaded to your computer, and double click on it to open \ run it.
If you are using the driver for OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or older, you will see two files. Open up the driver file that corresponds with your operating system. For most users, it will be the second file: 2ff7e9595c